Perhaps no other male vestment has been more maligned over the past fifty years than the brown suit
First, there was the old British saw about never wearing brown in town. Churchill once impugned it as the mantle of a cad.
The khaki-clad legions of the post-World War era eschewed brown because it reminded them of their military service, while their bridges felt that the shade aged them. Finally, Charles Revson’s highly publicized quip about brown making men look like “shit” pretty much resigned it to the wardrobe of the nonconformist.
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A guide on how to choose a business suit
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression". It's an old adage because it is undeniably true. It is therefore imperative that to succeed in business it makes sense to wear great looking business suits.
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As the Dutch say: “The summer is standing in front of the door”. Summer is coming. But, how do you dress sharply for the office, a wedding or any other social event during the hot summer season? What should you look for in order to appear stylish, professional and appropriate during the summer?
What to look for in a summer suit
The most important features in a summer suit are the fabric and weave, the construction of the jacket and the color of the suit.
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