What is the proper dress style and/ or dress code for a lawyer?

Case: Business Suit - Lawyer

Winston would like to have a suit tailored for his work as lawyer. He wears it twice a weak when he is receiving clients. Winston gets easily hot and is looking for a suit that can be frequently worn with ease of use. A suit is for Winston a sign of professionalism, a calling card for himself and the office he works at.

De Oost Bespoke Tailoring’s Advice

Have a suit tailored that is constructed as follows with these motivations:

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1. Material

Start with a good foundation such as a basic blue or grey suit. These are colours that can be worn on many occasions. A subtle pattern adds to a vivid appearance giving the suit character. Think of a sharkskin, birdseye or herringbone. Since Winston is the business’ calling card when receiving guests, the fabric should have a certain prominence. We opted for a stripe with a shadow stripe. A powerful appearance, yet subtle and ideal to be worn with frequency. For the colour we went with blue, because it radiates reliability. The fabric is a super 150’s wool: light weight, breathing and crease free.

2. Model

A 2-button jacket, with peak lapels adding length and sturdiness. Often only seen on tailor made suits thus sending a message you spend time on your appearance before receiving guests. And it has a timeless look, making it easy to combine with other garments. The buttons are in a dark brown, which corresponds with the host’s eyes, focussing the point of interest. Winston also had a second (extra) pair of trousers made, adding significantly to the longevity of the suit.

3. Measurements

A snug fit with the necessary room for movement making it comfortable to wear while working. The trousers are tapered, but taking in account cycling thighs and the fact the trouser legs may not get stuck on the calf when standing up.

4. Make

Full Canvas. This is the classic and costly (valuable) way of tailoring (it takes 20-40 hours to tailor the jacket) which adds suppleness and makes a perfect drape. This also means you can take it to the dry cleaners without worry because there are no pieces fused, making it also very possible for future alterations.

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